The BEST File Manager for Windows
Works with and greatly enhances:
Windows 11, 10
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
Servers 2003 and later
Starting at just $50 for home use and $69 for a business license (and a business two-pack for just $99!)
Major new tools, significant upgrades to current components and faster folder listings.
See the V4 preview here.
A May 2017 Microsft security update for Windows 10 conflicted with a major routine in FileBoss resulting in FileBoss not starting on some Windows 10 systems.
Versions V3.101 and later, fix the problem. You can read more about this at the page
Windows Creators Conflict.
Click image for more options
In the above example FileBoss will search for all files which have not been since mid-night on the current day
Hint: You can limit your search (and thus speed it up and make its results more meaningful) by specifying one or more folders to search instead of just a whole drive. You can also, in the Patterns field, specify only certain files to search file such as *.doc ; *.jpg ; *.jpeg ; *.html ; *.htm.
Both the paths and file patterns fields can accept either simple entries, e.g.
C\Data\My Data and *.bmp or very complex strings that specify not only what to include but also what to exclude from a, most typically, search.
For instance both can specify multiple objects such as
C\Data\My Data ; D:\Backup\MyData
*.bmp ; *.gif ; *.png ; *.jpeg ; *.jpg
For a complete description of these fields either right-click the mouse over the fields for context help from within FileBoss or see Advanced Paths & Patterns.
FileBoss has innovative alternatives to the traditional way of displaying file times.
(Optional of course!)
The first shows file times by age, e.g. 8 minutes ago, 2 hours ago.
Both methods can be really handy when you have an Explore view or Virtual Folder sorted by file times. And you can quickly switch between any of the three modes (traditional, by age, by calendar period) using the button on the top tool bar or using the View > File Times > main menu items.
The second shows file times by by calendar period, e.g. in February, 2007
Hint: If you are looking at folders that contain lots of files and you know the extension or possible extensions of the file(s) you are looking for you can use a File Filter to only display those files.
Or you can even used Advanced Filtering to only show files with Modified times in the range you want.
(If the file times are not already displayed in the Contents Window)
This works the same in both Explore Views and Virtual File Sets.
Move the mouse over the column headers (the column headers are at the top of the Contents Window and have titles like Filename, Ext and Size.)
Right-click the to display a list of columns that can be displayed
Check the boxes next to Modified, Accessed or Created as appropriate.
Click the Close Menu button.
Hint: You can change the order of the columns by clicking a header with the left mouse button and, while holding the mouse button down, dragging the column to its new location.